Te dashur vizitor te nderuar,
Ju lutem klikoni sa me shume ne reklamat qe ju paraqiten ne kete faqe, ne menyre qe Radio Vallezimi t'ju sherbej juve sa me mire, dhe te qendroj ne rrjet duku ju argetuar çdo dite .
Per çdo 100 klikime mbi reklama, Radio Vallezimi do te publikoj falas 1 kasete muzikore tek rubrika mp3 muzik.
Ju Faleminderit
Ju lutem klikoni sa me shume ne reklamat qe ju paraqiten ne kete faqe, ne menyre qe Radio Vallezimi t'ju sherbej juve sa me mire, dhe te qendroj ne rrjet duku ju argetuar çdo dite .
Per çdo 100 klikime mbi reklama, Radio Vallezimi do te publikoj falas 1 kasete muzikore tek rubrika mp3 muzik.
Ju Faleminderit
Nje mesazh nga Major. Ramazan Hoxha.
Themeluesi dhe Arkitekti i Radio Vallezimit.
Pershendetje, dhe mire se erdhet ne faqen tone miq te nderuar. Ju uroj çaste te bukura ne kete radio dhe web faqe. Ky projekt eshte akoma ne perpunim e siper, deri atehere kur vizioni yne te permbushet. Gjate kesaj kohe jemi ne aksionin e konvertimit dhe transferimit ne kete faqe te rreth 1 milion kengeve, kryesisht nga Kasetat dhe CD'it e vjetra, ose te viteve 1990. Keto jane kaseta personale qe sot pothuajse si ka askush pervec neve, Radio Vallezimit dhe Video Ulqinit i cili eshte Editori per Amerike i Muzikes Shqipe. Thjesht shikoni tek muzika jone, ose tek MP3 music dhe do te vereni kasetat a manjetefonit qe pesedojme ne arkiven tone.
Na vizitoni sa me shpesh, dhe qendroni me ne qe te merrni muzik falas nga Libraria e Muzikes Shqipe.
Ju faleminderit per kohen dhe viziten tuaj.
Kalofshi sa me bukur.
Major. Hoxha
Ju argeton Radio Vallezimi, live nga South River, New Jersey, USA dhe live nga qyteti Bajram Curri, Tropoje, Shqiperi. Kjo radio u themelua nga une, Ramazan Hoxha, nje student dhe ligjerues tek Rutgers University te marten me 25 Shtator, 2012.
Une jam nga Bajram Curri, Tropoje, Shqiperi, dhe qe 12 vite jetoj ne New Jersey, Amerike (SHBA).
Kjo radio do te kete nje vizion, mision, dhe filozofi. Qellimi i radios time eshte te ndihmoj komunitetin shqiptaro-amerikan me ato gjera qe kemi nevoje.
Radioja eshte e bazuar ne biseda dhe diskutime te ndryshme te jetes se shqiptarit kudo neper bote, por kryesisht ne Sh.B.A dhe ne atdhe.
Disa tema qe sugjeroj une jane Besimi ne Zot (Feja), Islami, Profeti Muhammed saw, Krishterimi, Profeti Jezuz, Isa a.s. Jeta, Vdekja, Familja, Dashuria, Martesa, Prinderit, Femite, Shoqeria, Te Afermit, Emigracioni, Gurbeti, Edukimi, Shkollimi, Keqkuptimet, Urrejtja, Zemerimi, Hakmarrja, Falja, Ligjet, Kanuni, Europa, Amerika, Padrejtesite Boterore, Varferia, Lufterat, Kosova, Mali i Zi, Ilirida, Cameria, Shqiperia, te mirat dhe keqijat e te qenit Shqiptare, Mendjemadhesia Traditat dhe Zakonet Shqiptare sipas krahinave, Gurbeti, Muzika, Sporti, Arti, Mjeksia, Filozofia, Letersia, Matematika, Shkenca, etj etj.
Kjo radjo, cdo dite eshte ne permiresim, perpunim, dhe bashkepunim.
Tani per tani radjoja eshte duke kenduar muzike ne autoplay, derisa te plotesohet vizioni im i radios, me staf, punesim, dhe programet e duhura.
Do te kemi telefonata, pershendetje muzikore, kurozitete, biseda edukative, tema te ndryshme, keshilla, sugjerime per radion etj.
Numri im eshte (001) 732-939-3078. Email: [email protected] Se shpejti, me ju dhe per ju. Me kontaktoni per bashkepunim, keshilla, komente, dhe sugjerime. Ju faleminderit per viziten dhe kohen tuaj.
Na vizitoni sa me shpesh, dhe qendroni me ne qe te merrni muzik falas nga Libraria e Muzikes Shqipe.
Ju faleminderit per kohen dhe viziten tuaj.
Kalofshi sa me bukur.
Major. Hoxha
Ju argeton Radio Vallezimi, live nga South River, New Jersey, USA dhe live nga qyteti Bajram Curri, Tropoje, Shqiperi. Kjo radio u themelua nga une, Ramazan Hoxha, nje student dhe ligjerues tek Rutgers University te marten me 25 Shtator, 2012.
Une jam nga Bajram Curri, Tropoje, Shqiperi, dhe qe 12 vite jetoj ne New Jersey, Amerike (SHBA).
Kjo radio do te kete nje vizion, mision, dhe filozofi. Qellimi i radios time eshte te ndihmoj komunitetin shqiptaro-amerikan me ato gjera qe kemi nevoje.
Radioja eshte e bazuar ne biseda dhe diskutime te ndryshme te jetes se shqiptarit kudo neper bote, por kryesisht ne Sh.B.A dhe ne atdhe.
Disa tema qe sugjeroj une jane Besimi ne Zot (Feja), Islami, Profeti Muhammed saw, Krishterimi, Profeti Jezuz, Isa a.s. Jeta, Vdekja, Familja, Dashuria, Martesa, Prinderit, Femite, Shoqeria, Te Afermit, Emigracioni, Gurbeti, Edukimi, Shkollimi, Keqkuptimet, Urrejtja, Zemerimi, Hakmarrja, Falja, Ligjet, Kanuni, Europa, Amerika, Padrejtesite Boterore, Varferia, Lufterat, Kosova, Mali i Zi, Ilirida, Cameria, Shqiperia, te mirat dhe keqijat e te qenit Shqiptare, Mendjemadhesia Traditat dhe Zakonet Shqiptare sipas krahinave, Gurbeti, Muzika, Sporti, Arti, Mjeksia, Filozofia, Letersia, Matematika, Shkenca, etj etj.
Kjo radjo, cdo dite eshte ne permiresim, perpunim, dhe bashkepunim.
Tani per tani radjoja eshte duke kenduar muzike ne autoplay, derisa te plotesohet vizioni im i radios, me staf, punesim, dhe programet e duhura.
Do te kemi telefonata, pershendetje muzikore, kurozitete, biseda edukative, tema te ndryshme, keshilla, sugjerime per radion etj.
Numri im eshte (001) 732-939-3078. Email: [email protected] Se shpejti, me ju dhe per ju. Me kontaktoni per bashkepunim, keshilla, komente, dhe sugjerime. Ju faleminderit per viziten dhe kohen tuaj.
A message from Major. Ramazan Hoxha.
The founder and director of Radio Vallezimi.
You are listening to Radio Vallezimi (Albanian Dance Radio)
Hello Everyone, and Welcome to my albanian radio website which is all about YOU, the Albanian-American Community in United States. This Radio which is streaming live from my house basement, in New Jersey is still developing and improving.
VISION: The vision for my radio is to appeal and organise the albanian community over the world, and especially in United States. My radio will be based on a talk and discussion based radio. This radio will always be open to new ideas, a career staff, and live feedback for everything.
MiSSION: Although I do have about 500,000 albanian songs for all albanian ages, and stages, and I will play all those songs, I wanted this radio to be more about talking to each other, connecting to one another, sharing ideas, experiences, stories, and influencing each other in a positive way.
PHILOSOPHY: The reason why I didn't want the radio to be focused just on music, is because most other radios today are usually music based radios, and now with Youtube, and Google, iTunes, no one lacks the supply of music anymore, music is everywhere. But when everyone shares their story, connects, and influences, I believe that can be more beneficial for the albanian community, then anything else.
Some topics I would like to discuss on the radio are the Belief in God, Islam (Prophet Muhammad saw,, Christianity (Prophet Jesus, Isa as), Family, Love, Marriage, Death, Laws, Albanian Traditions, life away from our native albanian lands, Education, Math, Science, Medicine, Helping others, Marriage, Divorce, Societies, History, Friends, Hate, Rage, Forgiveness, etc.
As of now my radio is set on albanian music auto play until my vision for this radio is achieved, with a full time staff, friends, and family.
I have travelled all over the world, and life in United States seems to be nothing but a rat race, with no feelings, and no time to talk to each other. I think many albanians seem to have forgotten where they come from, and what life is really all about. I would like the albanian community to be strong, connected, happy, and influencing each other.
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defence than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”
Are albanians or most people today in general approaching spiritual doom, due to this self oriented, rat race, winner takes all philosophy ? Let us know, and why ? Or are you like so many people today, a person who just doesn't care about anything else, besides yourself ?
I am from Fierze (Zona B), Tropoje, Albania. I lived in Fierze, Tropoje until July 1996. From July 1996 until December 1997 I had the privilege of living in the city of Bajram Curri, Tropoje, Albana.
During my my last 3 years in Albania, I lived in Tirana from 1997-2000. In January 2000, my family and I immigrated to New Jersey, USA, in search of a better future. At that time I was only 15 years old.
I'm a Barack Obama Supporter, a supporter of the democratic party of Albania. I attend Rutgers University in New Brunswick, majoring in Geography, and History, and I like to be a geography teacher.
I'm 27 years old, single by choice, lol :-), and currently I live with my parents, and my 12 year old brother. I have 2 sisters, both married. My hobbies include helping others with their needs, talking to people, reading 40 books a year, playing indoor soccer, fishing on sunday mornings with my brother, and basically I try to spent my time very wisely. I also served 3 years in U.S. Army, 1 year in Baghdad, Iraq.
Favorite quotes: "It's not about the hardware, but it's about the software. Knowledge without action is useless, and action without knowledge is dangerous. People are like books, you can only understand them once you start reading, and talking to them."
Thank you for visiting my website.
VISION: The vision for my radio is to appeal and organise the albanian community over the world, and especially in United States. My radio will be based on a talk and discussion based radio. This radio will always be open to new ideas, a career staff, and live feedback for everything.
MiSSION: Although I do have about 500,000 albanian songs for all albanian ages, and stages, and I will play all those songs, I wanted this radio to be more about talking to each other, connecting to one another, sharing ideas, experiences, stories, and influencing each other in a positive way.
PHILOSOPHY: The reason why I didn't want the radio to be focused just on music, is because most other radios today are usually music based radios, and now with Youtube, and Google, iTunes, no one lacks the supply of music anymore, music is everywhere. But when everyone shares their story, connects, and influences, I believe that can be more beneficial for the albanian community, then anything else.
Some topics I would like to discuss on the radio are the Belief in God, Islam (Prophet Muhammad saw,, Christianity (Prophet Jesus, Isa as), Family, Love, Marriage, Death, Laws, Albanian Traditions, life away from our native albanian lands, Education, Math, Science, Medicine, Helping others, Marriage, Divorce, Societies, History, Friends, Hate, Rage, Forgiveness, etc.
As of now my radio is set on albanian music auto play until my vision for this radio is achieved, with a full time staff, friends, and family.
I have travelled all over the world, and life in United States seems to be nothing but a rat race, with no feelings, and no time to talk to each other. I think many albanians seem to have forgotten where they come from, and what life is really all about. I would like the albanian community to be strong, connected, happy, and influencing each other.
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defence than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”
Are albanians or most people today in general approaching spiritual doom, due to this self oriented, rat race, winner takes all philosophy ? Let us know, and why ? Or are you like so many people today, a person who just doesn't care about anything else, besides yourself ?
I am from Fierze (Zona B), Tropoje, Albania. I lived in Fierze, Tropoje until July 1996. From July 1996 until December 1997 I had the privilege of living in the city of Bajram Curri, Tropoje, Albana.
During my my last 3 years in Albania, I lived in Tirana from 1997-2000. In January 2000, my family and I immigrated to New Jersey, USA, in search of a better future. At that time I was only 15 years old.
I'm a Barack Obama Supporter, a supporter of the democratic party of Albania. I attend Rutgers University in New Brunswick, majoring in Geography, and History, and I like to be a geography teacher.
I'm 27 years old, single by choice, lol :-), and currently I live with my parents, and my 12 year old brother. I have 2 sisters, both married. My hobbies include helping others with their needs, talking to people, reading 40 books a year, playing indoor soccer, fishing on sunday mornings with my brother, and basically I try to spent my time very wisely. I also served 3 years in U.S. Army, 1 year in Baghdad, Iraq.
Favorite quotes: "It's not about the hardware, but it's about the software. Knowledge without action is useless, and action without knowledge is dangerous. People are like books, you can only understand them once you start reading, and talking to them."
Thank you for visiting my website.
This Youtube Video shows the point of my vision, mission, and philosophy. It's all about connecting, sharing, and influencing. Thank you Pastor Dean Curry, From Life Center Tacoma, WA.
Please take some time to enjoy this excellent video on wisdom, peace, harmony, and people.
Please take some time to enjoy this excellent video on wisdom, peace, harmony, and people.
Here's also another great video by Shaykh Yusuf about the Middle Path.
This video represents knowledge, wisdom, guidance, and advice to societies everywhere.
Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you enjoyed your time here, by learning anything useful for yourselves.
Ju faleminderit per viziten tuaj tek faqja ime, dhe shpresoj te keni mesuar dicka te dobishme per veten e juaj.